Sunday, December 05, 2010

San Jose Super Toy Show

I was going to plug that I was going to be at the San Jose Super Toy Show yesterday, but I ran out of time. Anyway, the show went well and instead of helping Lee and plugging my books like I usually do, this time I set it up like a garage sale and sold some choice goodies out of my collection for cheap. EVERYTHING was $2.00.

By the end of the day, EVERYTHING was $1.00.

Some people quibbled that I might have priced everything too low, but I didn't want to lug it home. As it was, I STILL had to lug home about half of what I brought and cleared about $300, which I promptly used to make a payment to get my new (used) car. (Still have a few payments to go.)

Anyway, glad to see and talk to the people I did and also glad to give people a chance to get some good items for cheap.

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