Although I pretty much regularly plug Craig Yoe's books here on this blog, I'm particularly excited about this upcoming volume for two reasons. Finally, someone is taking the care to tell the Archie story correctly with in-depth interviews, rare drawings and a sort of "warts and all" attitude, meaning it is not your typical superficial overview like more Archie history books have been.
The second reason is that yours truly has helped out securing some of the interviews of some of the more difficult people to get into contact with including Harry Lucey's daughter and Bill Vigoda's niece. And, I also helped with the material about Archie in the media such as the hit musical group and the various TV and film productions that Archie has appeared in over the years.
It's still Yoe's book, but I was and am glad to be a part of it. The book should be released by Summer 2011.
I just posted a new interview with Craig Yoe today!
I ordered this one in the hope that it will turn out to be a semi-definitive history of ARCHIE. Looks promising so far.
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