I went to the Mac Filmmakers meeting last night at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA, where they demonstrated the new Final Cut Pro 5 and Soundtrack Pro editing systems. These really blow the previous editing applications away and was a very enjoyable meeting. Apparently, the demonstration was hot on the heels of the NAB conference in Las Vegas where these were first introduced just a week ago.
More and more films are being edited this way as film itself is slowly going away in favor of more high definition digital video and audio alternatives. Eventually, film will be a total anachonism, going the way of vinyl records and typewriters. ("What are those things?" asks the under-30 crowd.)
This weekend I may go to Paramount's Great America, an amusement park that's located in Santa Clara, CA. Although it is definitely no Disneyland, it sometimes has its moments, and I usually get in free. I'll report what happens here.
Nothing much else to report, but please continue to visit my shopping websites listed at the left of this blog column. You can't believe the weird stuff you can buy on-line nowadays...