Monday, February 14, 2011

Black History Month

Have you ever wondered why Black History Month is during the shortest month of the year? I always figured that it was because African-Americans were once again getting the short shrift...

A friend of mine pointed out to me why it is in February, and you can read about it here:

"As for the "shortest month of the year" thing:

According to;, "Every February, Americans celebrate Black History Month. This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson. The son of former slaves, Woodson dedicated his life to ensuring that black history was accurately documented and disseminated.

"In an effort to bring national attention to the contributions of black Americans, Woodson organized the first annual Negro History Week in 1926. He chose the second week of February in honor of the birthdays of pivotal black supporters Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln."

Source URL:;"

They should have moved it to August. It's a longer month and the month of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech...

BTW, I still think they should move Martin Luther King Day to August for this very reason and then more people might be able to celebrate it with paid time off since there's nothing else going on in August anyway. January 15 is just too close to New Year's Day...

Ok, off of soapbox...

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