If you read yesterday's blog, I claimed that I heard a verbal gaffe where Moe calls Larry "Curly" in the film "Of Cash and Hash" (featuring stock footage from "Shivering Sherlocks"). My friend, Joe Torcivia, responded by saying he found no such error:
"I found this to be so curious that I watched "Shivering Sherlocks" and "Of Cash and Hash" back to back. In neither one did I notice the "Curly gaffe". Where exactly in "Of Cash and Hash" does it occur? Pinpoint it for me, and I'd like to check again."
Well folks, even the Mighty Blogmaster here CAN make a MISTAKE. So, I went back to listen to the line in order to tell Joe where it occurs in the film. It happens at the four minute mark, BUT what Moe ACTUALLY says is the word "clearly", but since he didn't speak it so terribly "clearly" to me, it came across as "Curly".
Listen for yourself and let me know what you think....
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