Julian Lennon puts out his first release in almost a decade. "Lucy" is a tribute to the girl that inspired The Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds", even though some wags still feel that it was LSD. Here's the proof: a reproduction of the original drawing by Julian Lennon is included with the disc and in some cases, Julian's autograph. My copy unfortunately did not have the autograph. As for the music, it is very pleasant and open to repeat listenings. However, those pining for the John Lennonish-type vocals that graced Julian's first couple of albums will be sorely disappointed. Julian has a fine singing voice, but no longer any of the nasal quality that his father had. Overall, not the best material Julian has ever done, but far from the worst.
As far as the greater cause is concerned, the real Lucy died recently of Lupus and royalties from this release will be donated to Lupus research.