Fun Ideas Productions -- Multi-Media Print & Video. Mark D. Arnold, Writer, Artist, Sales, Video Production
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Computer Down Bad Motherboard New Blogs Soon
Mark Arnold
Saturday, October 28, 2006
of heard of the character of Borat as a UK sensation, but never seen a complete
work. This movie, documenting Borat's adventures in the US, has to be seen to be
believed. To borrow a line from the promotion of "The Loved One" (1965 and
another great film): "It's the movie with something to offend everyone!" "Borat"
is a film that takes a joke and milks it to its most extreme point and then goes
beyond, but they do it in that far better, far funnier UK, Canadian, Australian
and European way. I don't know why that is. It always seems that when Americans
try for a comedy like this, it comes out as another lousy Will Ferrell, Jim
Carey, or Adam Sandler vehicle, or worse.
We've never been able to comedy like this very well. Even Jerry Lewis in his
prime couldn't touch this kind of comedy and it is a shame. I think its timing.
Larry David actually comes pretty close to this kind of comedy, so there are
possibilities, but in general most American comedy when attempted in this format is to stretch a joke out
beyond all possible recognition and then still milk it until it is no longer
funny. "Borat" never falls into that trap.
Speaking of Larry David, the first time I saw the name Sasha Baron Cohen (Borat)
was in the credits of the latest "Curb Your Enthusiasm" episode. He was one of
the angels near the end of the last program of that season. I won't mention
anything further in case you haven't seen it, but definitely see it. Cohen also
was in Will Ferrell's "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby".
I don't want to give away any of the jokes, so just go and enjoy. Now if you are
not a fan of offensive comedy, I don't know what to tell you. I guess you are
just missing out...
Mark Arnold
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The Best of The Harveyville Fun Times! Available Through
To all retailers and fans who regularly order from Diamond Comics Distribution:
Now you can order my first book "The Best of The Harveyville Fun
Times!" through Diamond (see page 363 of the November 2006 "Previews")
Front cover by Shelley Pleger ("Mickey Mouse", "Shanda the Panda")
Back cover by Ernie Colon ("The 9/11 Report", "Richie Rich")
Forward by Tony Isabella ("Tony's Tips", Marvel Comics)
Edited by Mark Arnold ("Hogan's Alley", "ComicBase", "Atomic Mouse")
Additional material by Chris Barat and Joe Torcivia ("Carl Barks' Greatest DuckTales Stories")
400 pages! Full color covers! Complete Harvey Comics history! Meet Casper, Richie Rich, Hot Stuff, Sad Sack and all the rest!
Order your copies today from Diamond! It is sure to be a hot seller!
Check out my ad in the following publications:
Alter Ego (December)
Back Issue (December)
Comics International (December)
Starlog (January)
Also, please let me know if you would like to carry regular issues of "The Harveyville Fun Times!" The current issue is #65. Drop me an email at and let me know.
Finally, please let me know if you would be interested in a book signing in your store. Again, contact me at
Thank you for your time and your orders!!
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
State Quarters
What will they do for an encore, and what will I do with 50 quarters? I guess I could buy a DVD or something...
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Beatles Comic Books
Anyway, as I was saying, despite the respect they have, The Beatles have appeared in precious few comic books. I should know, I own them all except one. Granted, part of the appeal of The Beatles is their songs, and you can't hear a song on a printed page, but I am amazed at how few comic books were produced over the years.
I'm not talking about guest appearances in "Archie's Madhouse" or "Howard the Duck", I mean honest full-fledged comic books about the group. The first book (and the one I don't currently own) is Dell's "The Beatles Story". Issued in 1964, it talks about the group's then current meteoric rise to fame. I have seen this at conventions and prices vary widely. Overstreet currently clocks it in at $760 in mint, but I have seen it higher. I'm surprised no one has been able to secure the rights to reprint this volume. Anyway, the price alone has kept me from purchasing this book.
The next Beatles related comic book apart from a smattering of guest appearances is the Gold Key "Yellow Submarine" adaptation. Amazingly, there were no comic book adaptations for The Beatles' other films including "A Hard Day's Night", "Help!" and "Magical Mystery Tour". "Help!" especially would have made a fine comic book. Perhaps because Harvey Kurtzman was publishing a humor magazine with the same name at the time might have hindered an adaptation, but magazines like "16" and "Tiger Beat" had issues devoted to the film, so who knows?
Also, "The Beatles" Saturday morning cartoon show debuted on September 25, 1965 on American TV and no comic book tie-in was ever released during or after the show's original run. Even today it would be a fun comic book to have with those character designs, but now you have to go through Apple to secure the rights and McCartney, Starr, and the estates of Harrison and Lennon are probably not interested or are too cost prohibitive.
After "Yellow Submarine", the next foray into comic books was Marvel's "Marvel Comics Super Special" #4 from 1978, subtitled "The Beatles Story". This is probably the best comic book adaptation to date of The Beatles history through 1978. Somewhat dated now, it is a fine example of the hope we used to have of a Beatles reunion. Of course the events of 1980 and 2001 have ended that fantasy, but at the time, the possibilities were still there.
1991 saw Revolutionary Comics' eight issue "Beatles Experience" series. While good, it suffers from every Beatles comic book history, stilted dialogue and incorrect facts and ok artwork. As there has never been a comic book adaptation of The Beatles story since they did their "Anthology" series, a new comic book history seems to be in order, but this is the best we've got.
And that's it. In 1998, Dark Horse was to have issued a new adaptation of "Yellow Submarine" in comic book form that was supposed to be truer to the film than the Gold Key version, but it was George Harrison of all people who vetoed the idea. The was probably due to the comic book company issuing it being the same name as Harrison's longtime solo record label, in addition to him not liking the final result. In any case, this would be a fine book to issue, if the rights could be cleared.
As a footnote, there was an ongoing comic book series I found in Mexico once called "Quien Fue...John Lennon?" (or "Who Was...John Lennon?") It seemed to be telling The Beatles story in an endless almost soap opera like way. I bought a few issues back in the late 80s and have no idea if it's still being published. It's all in Spanish.
It would be neat if someone could get the rights to publish a Beatles comic book series and draw it in the style of the 60s TV series or like "Yellow Submarine". McCartney is a huge comic book fan as witnessed by then-current DC comics on the easel of his electric organ in "Help!" and the fact that he issued a song called "Magneto and Titanium Man" in 1975. Lennon also was a fan evidenced by the "So Captain Marbles (sic) zapped him right between the eyes" line in "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" song from "The Beatles" (White Album). Starr has done numerous cartoon voices and narrations over the years, as has McCartney, and McCartney, Harrison and Starr all took individual turns voicing themselves on "The Simpsons" (something Lennon surely would have done as well, had he lived).
So anyone reading this, if you have the power to publish and get royalty clearances, I would definitely purchase a regularly-published Beatles comic book series! A splendid time is guaranteed for all.
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Friday, October 20, 2006
The Harveyville Fun Times! #65 is ready!!
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Blob Blog
I would love to see "The Blob" on the big screen, but it seems that nowadays once a movie hits the DVD shelves, it is destined for the DVD graveyard, never to be seen on the big screen again, at least in any form of regular release. It might get a midnight showing on Halloween somewhere, but overall it will never be presented in its original format, which is a shame. Hollywood used to re-release pictures all the time, then home video killed all that. I think they still could release something to the theater even if it is readily available on home video!
Oh well. Hollywood, what can you do...
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Friday, October 13, 2006
Flags of Our Fathers Review
Barring that, since I almost walked out after seeing the film look that way, this film has driven me to the conclusion that I hate war films. The only good one apparently is "Full Metal Jacket". The fighting scenes were fine but the rest of the movie was muddled, confusing and sappy.
The acting was also fine, but it didn't seem to offset what was essentially a lesser rehash of "Saving Private Ryan".
Too bad.
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Beatles and McCartney News
John Lennon has the new "FBI vs. John Lennon" movie and accompanying soundtrack.
Ringo Starr appears on Jerry Lee Lewis' new album singing "Sweet Little Sixteen". Now Ringo just needs to sing "Sixteen Candles" to round out his 16 trilogy that was started with "You're Sixteen"!
George Harrison is reissuing "Living in the Material World" and "Dark Horse" and "Extra Texture" should soon follow.
The Beatles as a group seem to be on a hiatus since "The Capitol Albums Volume 2" was released earlier this year.
I need to subscribe to "Beatlefan" again to get all the latest news since Tower Records is going bye-bye, but this is what I currently know.
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Protecto, the Little Robot -
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Man of the Year Review
What went wrong is the movie didn't know what it wanted to be. Sometimes it was a comedy (that was when it was at its best), then all of a sudden it would change dramatically into a suspense thriller, then it would change dramatically again and become a straight drama, dangerous for a comedy!!
Plus the movie commits two cardinal sins of bad movie writing: a voice over narration (by Christopher Walken) and a lengthy speech at the end of the movie by a reformed character. If you can't SHOW us what's happening, why isn't this on the radio. Remember, movies are a visual medium so narration is not necessary. The only time it works is like in the "Christmas Story" when someone is commenting on the action, not describing it.
The other cardinal sin is taking on technology as a problem, in this case electronic voting machines. First of all, the buttons beep on the computers when you press them. Look guys, it is 2006, we all have computers EVERYWHERE! They don't beep every time you depress a key, the sound you hear is clicks at best because of the keyboard, but Robin Williams was using a touch screen, so no noise at all!!
My friend Lee with whom I saw it, complained that the lady that worked for the company in charge of the electronic voting machines (Laura Linney) had too easy of access to a person who was going to be the next President. Also, Robin Williams so easily believed this person that he never met and when he did, she did so as an FBI imposter. Though a quick verbal reference was made about this point later on in the film, it seemed hastily added in a rewrite because people didn't buy it when they saw a rough cut. I still didn't buy it!
Barry Levinson the director has done some good stuff i.e. "Rainman", but he has done more crap. He needs to leave his political agenda at home. What would have been a better movie, is that Robin Williams' character would have still won the presidency, but it wouldn't be technology that did him in, but rather his own incompetence. I mean, imagine if he tried to make other world leaders laugh with his comedy and they didn't get his jokes and set off a bomb on us instead. Funnier and more effective.
Levinson would have succeeded much better in making this a farce. He still could have gotten his points across, but have a snappier ending a la "Doctor Strangelove". Levinson had this same problem with "Wag the Dog", a good concept with a lousy execution.
Remember, this WAS the bell boy in Mel Brooks' "High Anxiety"! We know Levinson can do more!!
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
45 RPM Records
It's also a sad day for Tower Records. It's amazing that they are going out of business considering how much money I have given them over the years. I used to buy the majority of my 45s there up until that fateful day in 1990 when the music industry just stopped producing them with any regularity.
There hasn't been a good format since for the single. Cassingles sucked because they were cassettes, which always kind of sucked, especially after CDs came into prominence. CD singles sucked because they charged way too much for them. What happened to 99c? What's ridiculous is that it is cheaper to press a CD than vinyl, yet they charged a lot more for CD singles.
Now people download off of the Internet and put them on their IPOD, which is silly too. The ideal way they should do it is to put a couple of a songs on a USB memory stick and charge the magic amount of 99c!
It's too late now for Tower, but had Tower or the music industry come up with this years ago, we wouldn't be in the problems we are in now.
It used to be that when you bought a single, it was like a taster for the album and if you got two or three off of the same album, then it was worth it to buy the entire album. Nowadays, you have to buy completely off of the merits of the artist. For example, name the big hit single off of Paul Simon's "Surprise" or the big hit single off of Neil Young's or the Rolling Stones' or Tom Petty's latest. You can't. I know KFOG plays tracks off of these albums when they come out, but it's not the same. It used to be that the new single was the track you played, until the next single came out.
I just mentioned long time acts. What if you were interested in a newer act like Death Cab For Cutie? You've heard of the group, but not sure you've heard any songs, and if you did, would you want to risk buying the entire album for $18.99 at Tower if it sucked? No wonder people download for free. You get the song you want, and ignore the rest.
It's sad that all of this is ending, but such is the nature of everything. At least I can go back and pick up the 45s I missed from second hand record shops...and I still play 'em too!!
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Monday, October 09, 2006
Blogs and Spider-Man
I actually did the latter one a few months ago, and totally alienated a person I was trying to get to know. Lesson learned. I'm still sorry. So, as a result, I try to keep my personal life out of this as much as possible. Oh, you might see me rant occasionally about Bush (834 days to go), but other than that I try to keep things on an even keel and not blast anyone, even cryptically.
Anyway, for regular readers I haven't had a blog in a bit because also amazingly I have had a lot of different freelance offers, which you will probably hear about in days and months to come. This last weekend I had do scans for two different articles and write two different book proposals and do promotion on my other book and whew! Lots of stuff!
So, things have slowed a little bit, so I'll try to post more, but I love all of the new projects! Keep 'em coming...
Fun Ideas Productions - P. O. Box 2616 - Saratoga, CA 95070
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Protecto, the Little Robot -
Monday, October 02, 2006
Star Trek: The Animated Series on DVD
I can't believe everyone on Amazon is praising how great the animation is on these Filmation Star Trek animated series. It is some of the worst animation made for cartoons and looked bad even back in 1973-1975. Since animation is a process that begins with the audio tracks being recorded, it would be neat if Paramount would actually take the original soundtracks for this and re-animate it in full animation, or better still, the 3-D type animation that Pixar and others do so well. Otherwise, the stories are great, because they are written by the original "Star Trek" writers and the voices are all the same actors except poor old Walter Koenig who didn't get to appear and was appeased by writing one of the episodes instead.
Mark Arnold